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2025 Sermons

Posts Tagged "Luke"

Second Sunday in Advent Midweek

December 11, 2024


The Song of Elizabeth
Luke 1:39–45


Sermon Outline
    4.    Mary essentially walks into her cousin’s bridal shower, grabs the microphone, and sings that her baby is more important than Elizabeth’s.
    3.    But instead of being jealous, Elizabeth sings with Mary because she believes Mary’s baby is her glory too.
    2.    Unlike Elizabeth, we think glory is a zero-sum game in which others’ glory or Jesus’ glory costs us ours.
    1.    Instead, Christ made you a sinner no more and wrapped you in his glory.

Elizabeth Sings That You Have a God Who Has Given You His Glory.


We often treat glory as a zero-sum game. The way we obtain glory, we often think, is to take it from someone else. The more glory our neighbor has, the less we have, or so we think. To use a musical analogy, we don’t believe in glory duets. If someone else is singing, the only way to make ourselves more glorious is to take the microphone and sing a song in praise of ourselves.
This is why, I suppose, our society has a bunch of unwritten rules trying to regulate this impulse. It’s why we warn people with a variety of phrases like “Don’t upstage him” or “Quit stealing her thunder.” This is why women other than the bride aren’t supposed to wear white at the wedding. It’s why you don’t start boasting of your own work-related accomplishments at a man’s retirement ceremony. It’s why a young woman shouldn’t announce her pregnancy at her friend’s baby shower.

And yet, that last thing is essentially what the virgin Mary does when she greets her cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth’s whole pregnancy is essentially a prolonged celebration, for a couple reasons. One, Elizabeth is old, far too old to be having children, especially when you consider that she’s been barren her entire life—something similar to Sarah’s conception of Isaac in the Old Testament. And on top of this, an angel told her husband that the child Elizabeth is going to bear is going to be a prophet, as I mentioned last week, this is something the Israelites haven’t seen in about three hundred years.

This is all pretty amazing. There’s a spotlight that’s glowing on Elizabeth in this moment. This is her moment to sing the song of glory, the song of the wonderful things God has done for her. But when Mary comes to visit, our Gospel text strongly implies that Mary immediately tells Elizabeth everything she’s just heard from the angel Gabriel. She tells Elizabeth that she’s going to give birth to the Christ Child, the Messiah, the Son of God, the Savior of the world. Mary essentially walks into her cousin’s bridal shower, grabs the microphone, and sings, “My pregnancy is even more miraculous than yours, and my baby is going to be even more important than your baby.”

While many of us might be filled with sorrow, jealousy, or indignation in this moment, Elizabeth is filled with joy because, as a Christian, as a believer in the promise of salvation growing in Mary’s womb, Elizabeth doesn’t see glory as a zero-sum game. She doesn’t see it as a song she needs to sing instead of Mary. She sees it as a song she sings with Mary.

“When Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she exclaimed with a loud cry, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy’ ” (vv 41–44).

Elizabeth knows that Mary’s baby is Elizabeth’s glory too. That’s why Elizabeth says what she says after feeling John the Baptist leap for joy in her womb as the mother of God comes into their presence. That’s why Elizabeth is filled with humility and asks the question, “Why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” Elizabeth responds with humility and awe, she gladly shares the spotlight with Mary and even gives it to her, because she knows that the Man who is going to save her from her sins is now the little unborn child in Mary’s womb.

We don’t think like Elizabeth. Rather, we think like the world and follow its zero-sum game, its song-of-glory ways. When Christ and his Word come into our presence, we don’t want to yield the spotlight, even when that spotlight is illuminating things that are far less glorious than what Elizabeth had surrounding her. So the Word says, “Look, Jesus is here forgiving your sins. Jesus is here to heal your broken hearts and cast out your demons and to give you the gift of eternal life. So put away your pride. Let go of your sins. And come find rest in the arms of God.”

But we don’t. Instead of singing the praises of Mary’s Son, we sing our own praises. We worship our own pride, boasting of our own righteousness before the world. We sing the songs of anger toward those who have sinned against us, thinking that tearing them down will clothe us in more glory. We sing songs of despair as we look out at the world, thinking that lamenting the filth of our neighbors can somehow make us clean. In all of this, we think if we can rip the microphones out of other people’s hands, we can make their glory our own and become someone worthy of love and attention. In all of this, we hear Christ singing to us, calling us to turn from our sins, and we sing, “I don’t care how good your news is. I’m the important one right now. This is my day, my moment.”

But it’s not your moment. In fact, the very existence of your life belongs to Jesus, the same Jesus who was born of the virgin Mary, and the same Jesus who came into this world not to take the spotlight away from you but to welcome you into his spotlight.

The child in Elizabeth’s womb grew up to be John the Baptist, the one who prepared the way for the Christ who would die for the sins of the world. And the child in Mary’s womb grew up to be that crucified and risen Savior.
With the spotlight firmly fixed on Christ, the nails were pierced into his hands and feet. And as he hung on that cross with those lights burning onto his head, Jesus shed his blood and took away your sins, took away your pride, your arrogance, took away your refusal to hear his Word. As his body was broken apart on that cross, Jesus took away all your self-worship and idolatry. And as he took his final breath, as he cried out, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” (Lk 23:46), Jesus sang the song that made you a sinner no more, the song that wrapped you in his glory and made it your own possession.

Then after hanging—and three days of lying—lifeless with that spotlight shining on him, Jesus began to move again. He lifted up his head, picked his life back up, cleared his throat, and told you that the hour had come for you to sing with him forever, for you to join the song Elizabeth sang with and to his mother, the song of salvation for all who believe.

“Blessed is Mary among all women,” Elizabeth sang, “and blessed is the fruit of her womb.” Now we can sing that song too because the holy fruit, the Lamb of God, has made you blessed. He’s washed you clean, fed you with salvation, and shown you that you don’t have a God who competes with you for glory.

Elizabeth Sings That
You Have a God Who Has Given You His Glory.

So sing with him forever. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Tags: Advent, Luke, Midweek

First Sunday in Advent

November 30, 2024

Text: Luke 19:27-39
Theme: A Parade towards Salvation
1.    Parade passes by, good for us
2.    Parade can focus on ends, Jesus’ end leads to our good


Grace, mercy, and peace be to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
My dear beloved flock, the text for our meditation today is the Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke the nineteenth chapter verses twenty-seven through thirty-nine.
Boys and girls, I pray that you are doing well today. Have you ever seen a parade? They can be for a variety of reasons, to celebrate a person, to celebrate a victory or an event, like our annual fourth of July parade. They can be great fun to watch. All of the trucks, all of the cars, all of the candy. Today, we see a parade for Jesus in our text for today. Is Jesus’ parade a happy one or a sad one? Ponder that question as you hear the rest of the sermon. You may go back to your seats and those who love you.

1.    Parade passes by, good for us

Today Jesus plans and carries out his own parade. Up to this point, He had maintained some degree of anonymity. He had been trying to keep a low profile, cautioning those who had been healed and helped, “Go and tell no one.” But now the time had come for some recognition. I think He acted totally without conceit. He needed a parade and He knew that the world needed this particular parade. He planned His parade unashamedly for His own sake, as well as for the sake of His followers, then and now.  

Jesus makes a parade for Himself to celebrate His greatness as a king. He answers the question, “Are you the Messiah? Are you a king?” Here Jesus says yes. However, Jesus is not the type of king that the people expect. That is why He comes riding on a donkey that no one has ever ridden on. You might wonder about the symbolism of an unused donkey. Anything offered to God had to be pure and perfect. So Jesus chose an unused, unbroken animal. The donkey was a symbol of peace in those days. Horses were symbols of military might. Conquering generals came on horses. An ambassador coming on a peaceful mission rode a donkey. Jesus was an ambassador of peace from the ultimate kingdom. Many people were so poor that a single family could not afford a donkey. A group might chip in and corporately buy one to share. And yet when these owners are told that the Master needs their donkey, they do not even protest. They don’t ask, “Where are you taking him and for how long? Will he be sacrificed?” They gave the colt gladly. 

Would you like it if someone made a parade just for you? I am sure you would. To be the center of attention, to have everyone celebrating your achievements. It seems fantastic. In our minds it sounds like a wonderous thing, finally Jesus is getting the recognition that He deserves. Everyone is celebrating. Everyone is waving palm branches, declaring Jesus to be the king. It seems like a grand celebration in the eyes of the world.

1.    Parade can focus on ends, Jesus’ end leads to our good

Yet, not all joyous at this parade. After all, what were they celebrating? A few clothes in the road, a borrowed donkey, a King who would not live the week out. It makes me think of the final scenes in the Wizard of Oz, when the Wizard is exposed as all sound and fury with no substance. The parade was permanent in that we live with its effects, but within a week’s time, it was as if the parade had never happened. Parades are for a time of rejoicing but they also signal the end. Often, we are being eased out at the very same time that we are being honored. At retirement, a gold watch and a banquet prepare you for being discarded. Even the celebration of a golden wedding anniversary or an eightieth birthday has its somber side. Your family and friends realize you are about to move on, and the party is part of a group farewell. A time of celebration is often the prelude to being discarded. Jesus was soon to be discarded. Judas was already in the process of discarding Him. Peter was about to discard Him in a brief conversation with a servant girl. Even those beloved brothers, James and John, thought about discarding him. The crowd, now cheering “Hosannah, Hosannah,” would soon be yelling, “Barabbas, Barabbas,” in Pilate’s court. When asked what to do with Jesus, the crowd shouts “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” The parade has a way of letting you down. 

So, at the end of this parade. Jesus mourns over Jerusalem because He knows the future in store for them. Jesus was the bringer of peace, that peace of which the angels and the crowd of disciples had sung. But Jerusalem, like the Pharisees, was not looking for the peace that Jesus came to bring. As a result, they would experience not peace but dreadful war. The future is hidden to the inhabitants of this walled city, but Jesus knows what is to come. The words of Jesus describe the Roman siege of Jerusalem that resulted in its capture in the year a.d. 70. Jesus’ words that “they will not leave one stone on another” are an echo of his statement to the Pharisees: if the people are quiet, the stones will speak. The people of Jerusalem were not ready to speak words of praise in honor of the coming King. Since they would not speak, the fallen stones will speak God’s word of judgment. 
Jesus mourns as well because of what this rejection entails for Himself. This celebration ends in His death upon a cross. He comes in cheers as the king of peace and will leave a corpse, dying an ugly and gruesome death upon the cross. He does this, as He did everything in His life, all for you. He dies your death that you can have His life now and forever. He takes upon Himself the full wrath of God so that God’s face can smile upon you as His dear and beloved child. Rising again from the dead, He lives to give you everlasting life. 

Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection from the dead, you get to join in a wonderous parade. You get to join in the parade of the redeemed when Jesus comes again in power and glory. You join with angels, archangels, and all the host of heaven joined around the throne, singing praises to God forever for His salvation.

Until we join that grand celebration without end, may we always give thanks that Jesus comes in meekness for us men and for our salvation.

the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, guard, and keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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