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Interesting/Helpful Articles 

Below you will find links to interesting and helpful articles relating to Faith and the Church.  This page will be updated from time to time with new resources so check back to see what has been added.  If you use a RSS collector you can subscribe to this page to be notified whenever there is a new resource posted. 


A message from Rev. Forke on Montana CR 128

  • A blog post from the blog "Pastoral Meanderings"
  • "The LCMS Family Ministry Action Team is committed to addressing the vital issue of sharing the faith with the next generation, in spite of the challenges surrounding us at this point in the history of the church and the world. As the people of God, we are called to take such action! Click on the link for the first article, in a three-part series; on how we all need to move forward in bringing the message of hope and faith in Christ, to children and families of our congregations and communities." (From Family Ministry Action Team email)
  • An article by Dr. George Wollenburg, former President of the Montana District, regarding the Priesthood of All Believers